Bulg. J. Phys. vol.27 no.S1 (2000), pp. 138-141

Relations Between the Adjacency Matrix and Distance Matrix of Benzenoidal Molecules

G. Jashari, A. Veseli
Faculty of Sciences, University of Prishtina, 38000 Prishtina
Abstract. Two matrices are especially important: the adjacency matrix of G, A = A(G), and the distance matrix of G, D = D(G). The adjacency matrix is the most commonly used matrix to characterize a graphic. In the conclusion, we counted indices of stability of RE and TRE as well as their correlation for 5 different molecules. The aim of this work was the analysis of topological properties of the benzenoid structures. We have found that the most important characteristics for the detennination of the properties of benzenoid structures are: the number of atoms, the number of bonds and I-factor.

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