Bulg. J. Phys. vol.26 no.1-2 (1999), pp. 029-042
Accurate Measurements of Neutron Activation Cross Sections
V.M. Semkova
Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, 72 Tzarigradsko Chaussee Blvd, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
go backInstitute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, 72 Tzarigradsko Chaussee Blvd, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
Abstract. The applications of some recent achievements of neutron activation method on high intensity neutron sources are considered from the view point of associated errors of cross sections data for neutron induced reaction. The important corrections in γ-spectrometry insuring precise determination of the induced radioactivity, methods for accurate determination of the energy and flux density of neutrons, produced by different sources, and investigations of deuterium beam composition are considered as factors determining the precision of the experimental data.
The influence of the ion beam composition on the mean energy of neutrons has been investigated by measurement of the energy of neutrons induced by different magnetically analysed deuterium ion groups. Zr/Nb method for experimental determination of the neutron energy in the 13–15 MeV energy range allows to measure energy of neutrons from D-T reaction with uncertainty of 50 keV. Flux density spectra from D(d,n) Ed = 9.53 MeV and Be(d,n) Ed = 9.72 MeV are measured by PHRS and foil activation method. Future applications of the activation method on NG-12 are discussed.