Bulg. J. Phys. vol.33 no.s2 (2006), pp. 42-53
Calculation of Bethe Vectors in the slN+1 Gaudin Model
I. Scherbak
School of Mathematical Sciences of the Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
go backSchool of Mathematical Sciences of the Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
Abstract. We deal with the Gaudin model associated with the tensor product of n highest weight slN+1-representations. The Bethe Ansatz method reduces the problem of calculation common singular eigenvectors of the Gaudin Hamiltonians to the problem of solving a system of algebraic Bethe equations. The case n=2 is basic, because the construction of iterated singular vectors allows to produce Bethe vectors in the tensor product of n > 2 representations from the Bethe vectors in a certain sequence of basic cases. In the paper, we find Bethe vectors explicitly in the special basic case, i.e. when in addition one of the two highest weights is a multiple of the first fundamental weight. Our method is based on relations to the intersection theory in the Grassmannian of (N+1)-dimensional subspaces in the vector space of complex polynomials.