Bulg. J. Phys. vol.21 no.3-4 (1994), pp. 001-008

Radiation Changes in Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Poly(Ethylene Oxide) Analysed by the Effectiveness of the Radiation

S. Tsvetkova1, E. Nedkov1, V. Krestev2
1Institute of Polymers, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2"St. Kliment Ohridski" University of Sofia, Faculty of Physics
Abstract. The effectiveness of the radiation of the radiation yield is used in this work to discuss the mechanisms of radiation induced reactions and the composition of the obtained products. The effect of the irradiation on the polymer crystalline structure has been estimated by means of the temperature of melting. The appliance of the Flory equation relating the mol part of the crystallizable units to the melting point enables the radiation yield to be compared with the yields of the various eventually running processes under irradiation. It is established that the calculation of the radiation yield of crystalline defects by means of the Flory equation has to be made in terms of crystalline structure parameters.

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