Bulg. J. Phys. vol.20 no.3-4 (1993), pp. 039-045

Nitrogen Ions Implantation In Al-4 wt% Cu Alloy

V. Dimova1, G. Zlateva1, V. Gaidarova1, T. Markov1, D. Danailov1, Ch. Angelov2
1Institute of Metal Science, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 67, Shipchenski Prohod Blvd, Sofia 1574, Bulgaria
2Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 72, Tzarigradsko Shose, Sofia 1784, Bulgaria
Abstract. Influence of N+-ions implantation on the structure of Al-4 wt% Cu alloy after various heat-treating was investigated. Specimens with segregated coarse θ-phase, 0.1 mm thick, were irradiated with a dose of 4×1016 i/cm2, 70 keV and specimens in condition of supersaturated solid solution and in initial state of ageing (preliminarily lightened by TEM) with a dose of 2×1016 i/cm2, 60 keV. The most visible modifications take place in the θ-phase structure, which investigated by TEM attain clearly manifested granulation. No substantial changes from implantation in specimens at initial state of ageing have been probably observed, in view of the low dose. But at the same dose, in the case of quenched supersaturated solid solution implanted ions provoke strong modification — appearance of loops of vacancies and large quantity of point defects.

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