Bulg. J. Phys. vol.20 no.3-4 (1993), pp. 055-064

Single-Channel Amplitude Analyzer with Exact Timing

S. Ormandjiev, V. Angelov, M. Makahleh
Atomic Physics Department, Faculty of Physics, 'St. Kliment Ohridski' University of Sofia, 5, J. Bourchier Blvd., Sofia 1126, Bulgaria
Abstract. The article proposes a novel design of a single-channel amplitude analyzer with exact timing distinguished for the minimal number of electronic components in the logic circuit for "in window" events separation implemented with one chip containing two retriggerable monovibrators. The performance of two different types of timing circuits, implemented using a differentiating stage with parallel negative fedback and a circuit for constant fraction timing, is investigated. In addition, the linear-mode operation of the stages is studied as well as in the case of gain limitation due to overloading by input pulses of various shapes and amplitudes.

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