Bulg. J. Phys. vol.33 no.s2 (2006), pp. 309-314

Cartan Equation as the Condition of the Existence of an Infinite Group

S.E. Samokhvalov, K.O. Reznyk
State Technical University, Dniprodzerzhinsk, Ukraine
Abstract. Let P be a principal bundle with the base M (space-time) and a structural group GL(n,R). Group GMg=DiffMGL(n,R)g acts on P and sets the geometrical structure with trivial curvature. Following a technique of Samokhvalov of construction of the deformed groups we construct a group GMgH. This group acts on the vierbein bundle, and sets the geometrical structure with nontrivial curvature. The structural equations follow from the group's axioms and are necessary conditions of group GMgH existence.

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