Bulg. J. Phys. vol.33 no.s2 (2006), pp. 327-332

Normalizer of the MAD-Group Generated by Tensor Product of Generalized Pauli Matrices

M. Svobodová
Department of Mathematics, FNSPE, Czech Technical University, Trojanova 13, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic
Abstract. Study of the normalizer of the MAD-group corresponding to a fine grading offers the most important tool for describing symmetries in the system of nonlinear equations connected with contraction of a Lie algebra. One fine grading that is always present in any Lie algebra sl(n,C) is the Pauli grading. The MAD-group corresponding to it is generated by generalized Pauli matrices. For such MAD-group, we already know its normalizer; its quotient group is isomorphic to the Lie group Sl(2, Zn)×Z2.
In this contribution, we deal with a more complicated situation, namely that the fine grading of sl(p2,C) is given by a tensor product of the Pauli matrices of the same order p, p being a prime. We describe the normalizer of the corresponding MAD-group and we show that its quotient group is isomorphic to Sp(2, Zp)×Z2.
This contribution is in fact a brief summary of the work by E. Pelantová, M. Svobodová, and S. Tremblay, which is in full contained in [1]. We refer the reader to that article for proofs of all the propositions and theorems stated in here.

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