Bulg. J. Phys. vol.51 no.2 (2024), pp. 117-129
A Comparative Study of Cosmological Models in Barber Self Creation Theory of Gravitation
S.R. Hadole, A.S. Nimkar
Shri. Dr. R.G. Rathod Arts and Science College, Murtizapur Dist-Akola (M.S.) India
go backShri. Dr. R.G. Rathod Arts and Science College, Murtizapur Dist-Akola (M.S.) India
Abstract. In this paper, we have investigated a comparative study of Bianchi type-VI0 cosmological models in self creation theory formulated by Barber under the influence of cosmic string, perfect fluid, thick domain wall, wet dark fluid and macroscopic body. Exact cosmological models in the theory are obtained with the help of relation between metric coefficient and equation of state. Also, we discuss stability, some kinematical properties and their graphical representation of the obtained models. The main part of the paper is that to compare the obtained results of cosmic string, Perfect fluid, thick domain wall, wet dark fluid, and macroscopic body in Barber self-creation theory. The models in above mentioned energy momentum tensor are similar and behave alike except macroscopic body. All these models studied here will be useful for a better understanding of self-creation cosmology and structure formation of the universe.