Bulg. J. Phys. vol.35 no.s1 (2008), pp. 329-332

Generalized Chern-Simons Terms and Chiral Anomalies in N = 1 Supersymmetry

Marco Zagermann
Max-Planck-Institute for Physics, Föhringer Ring 6, D-80805 Munich, Germany
Abstract. The gauging of axionic, Stueckelberg-type shift symmetries with generalized Chern-Simons terms and the Green-Schwarz mechanism of anomaly cancellation has recently been studied in the context of string compactifications and with regard to the phenomenology of certain variants of Z'-bosons. In this talk, following recent work with De Rydt, Rosseel, Schmidt and Van Proeyen, I summarize how such theories can be reconciled with global and local N = 1 supersymmetry.

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