Bulg. J. Phys. vol.37 no.4 (2010), pp. 241-246

Growth and Characterization Studies of SeMnHPO4 Single Crystal in Agar-Agar Medium at Ambient Temperature

J. Kishore Kumar1, P. Sundaramoorthi2
1Department of Physics, Arignar Anna Govt. Arts College, Cheiyyar, India-604407
2Department of Physics, Thiruvalluvar Govt. Arts College, Rasipuram, Namakkal, India-637401
Abstract. SeMnHPO4 (selenium manganese hydrogen phosphate) crystals are grown in agar-agar medium at various concentrations of ortho-phosphoric acid and supernatant solutions in single diffusion process. The pH plays an important role in the formation of SeMnHP crystals. The characterizations of grown crystals are studied by FTIR, SEM, XRD and etching. The results are discussed and compared with the reported literature.

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