Bulg. J. Phys. vol.42 no.4 (2015), pp. 354-361

Shapes and Dynamics from the Time-Dependent Mean Field

P.D. Stevenson, P.M. Goddard, A. Rios
Department of Physics, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, Surrey, United Kingdom
Abstract. Explaining observed properties in terms of underlying shape degrees of freedom is a well-established prism with which to understand atomic nuclei. Self-consistent mean-field models provide one tool to understand nuclear shapes, and their link to other nuclear properties and observables. We present examples of how the time-dependent extension of the mean-field approach can be used in particular to shed light on nuclear shape properties, particularly looking at the giant resonances built on deformed nuclear ground states, and at dynamics in highly-deformed fission isomers. Example calculations are shown of 28Si in the first case, and 240Pu in the latter case.

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