Accepted Paper

Pre-Outburst Signal in the Light Curves of the Recurrent Novae RS Oph and T CrB

R.K. Zamanov, V. Marchev, J. Marti, G. Latev
1Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Tsarigradsko Shose 72, BG-1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
2Departamento de Fisica, Escuela Politecnica Superior de Jaen, Universidad de Jaen, Campus Las Lagunillas, A3, 23071, Jaen, Spain
Abstract. Pre-outburst signal (a decrease of the optical brightness) just before the outburst is clearly detected in the observations of the T CrB obtained before and during the 1946 outburst. A similar decrease is also visible in the light curve of RS Oph during the 2021 outburst. We suppose that this is due to formation of a thick, dense envelope around the white dwarf, and we estimate its size (1000-2000 km), mass (5×10 - 8-6×10-7 M) and average density (5 - 16 g/cm3).

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