Table of contents
Bulg. J. Phys. vol. 51 no. 2 (2024)
A Comparative Study of Cosmological Models in Barber Self Creation Theory of Gravitation
S.R. Hadole, A.S. Nimkar
pp. 117-129, [abs,
A Simple Equation of State Parameter and its Complex Consequences in Cosmology
F. Robin, C. Sivakumar
pp. 130-136, [abs,
Structural Investigation of 101Pd and Systematic in Neighboring Even-Z and Odd-N nuclei
A.K. Rana, S. Sihotra, V. Singh, Pooja Chauhan, Dalip Singh Verma, H.P. Sharma, D. Mehta
pp. 137-144, [abs,
The Study of the Association between the Solar Wind Parameter and Cosmic Ray Intensity to a Severe Geomagnetic Storm (-350 < Dst ≤ -200 nT) during Solar Cycles 24 and 25
Nisha Kohli, Suman Garia, Megha Agari
pp. 145-159, [abs,
Studies on Third Order Nonlinear Optical Property and Biological Activity of DL-Methioninium Maleate for the Applications in Optoelectronics and Biomedical Field
S. Azhagiri, P. Vasudevan, D. Jayaraman, A. Vichithra
pp. 160-170, [abs,
Triplet Charge Transfer Excitons in Linear Donor-Acceptor Stack
I.J. Lalov
pp. 171-184, [abs,
About the Multiverse in the Three-Dimensional Quantum Vacuum with Variable Energy Density
Davide Fiscaletti
pp. 185-210, [abs,
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