Table of contents
Bulg. J. Phys. vol. 51 no. 3 (2024)
An Almost Pseudo Symmetric Energy Momentum Spacetime
Ajit Barman
pp. 211-217, [abs,
Certain Investigations on Bianchi-III Cosmological Model with FLVDP in f(R,T) Theory
R.K. Mishra, Rahul Sharma
pp. 218-241, [abs,
Growth and Thermoelectric Study of CuInSe2 Single Crystals
S.M. Chauhan, S.H. Chaki, J.P. Tailor, A.J. Khimani, M.D. Chaudhary, M.P. Deshpande
pp. 242-252, [abs,
Analytical Solutions of the D-dimensional Klein-Gordon equation with Hua Potential via N-U Method
B. Biswas
pp. 253-262, [abs,
Pre-Outburst Signal in the Light Curves of the Recurrent Novae RS~Oph and T~CrB
R.K. Zamanov, V. Marchev, J. Marti, G. Latev
pp. 263-267, [abs,
Non-interacting String and Holographic Dark Energy Cosmological Models in f(R) Theory of Gravitation
S.P. Hatkar, D.P. Tadas, A.S. Agrawal, S.D. Katore
pp. 268-281, [abs,
Assessment of VLF Data Inversion Techniques for Aquifer Parameter Estimation
Collins O. Molua
pp. 282-295, [abs,
Geodesic Characteristics of the Black Hole in Bardeen AdS with Quintessence and Super-Radiant Effect
Indrajit Halder, Kamal Lochan Mahanta, Rakesh Ranjan Sahoo
pp. 296-310, [abs,
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